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Tag: "life & death"

Why should I live when others die?

A short story in which Arthur Chappell sees his life flash before his eyes.
[Issue 20: Spring 1998: Short Story]

Sick to Death?

Is suicide a disease to be treated, or a choice to be respected? Justin Busch tackles the problem by analysing the concept of disease.
[Issue 20: Spring 1998: Articles]

Grief Revisited

Michael Williams on death and detachment.
[Issue 18: Summer 1997: Articles]

Is Grief Self-Regarding?

Christiane Pohl considers grief from a philosophical perspective.
[Issue 17: Spring 1997: Articles]

Life’s Dominion

Nicholas Everitt reviews Ronald Dworkin’s opinions on life and death.
[Issue 11: Winter 1994/95: Books]

Will I Know Me In Heaven?

Les Reid reviews Immortality, an anthology edited and introduced by Paul Edwards.
[Issue 9: Summer 1994: Books]

Which Beings Should Be Given Rights?

Peter Lloyd asks whether embryos can be hurt.
[Issue 3: Summer 1992: Articles]

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